14 Can’t-Miss Strategies for Getting Your Target Audience to Fall in Love with Your Brand

As content creators and marketers, we are always in hot pursuit of our target audience. And, while love is in the air, there is no magical rhyme for getting your audience to love your brand. After all, matters of the heart require more than just luck.Here are 14 proven strategies to win over your audience so that they fall – and stay – in love with your brand.

1. Spread Love with Stills

Many marketers struggle to identify the best ways to promote the products and services they represent. When at a loss for words, use visuals. Coupling images with text has been found to increase the reach of a message exponentially. In fact, the top 18% of Facebook posts in 2018 were images. Regardless of the platform, relevant images can help your target audience better relate to your message, which can dramatically increase engagement. KFC turned to Reddit to announce its upcoming photoshop competition for V-Day. There couldn’t have been a better way to put things into perspective.Untitled22

2. Enthrall with Videos

Build a following by letting your audience see you and get to know you. Make videoclips to introduce your products, promote your services or simply let your audience know you care. Videos perform better than any other type of post on Facebook, so offer your audience authentic video content across multiple platforms if you really want to melt their hearts. Dyson showcased its engineering prowess in a simple yet convincing advertisement that speaks a volume.

3. Speak Your Heart Out

Carve a special place in your audience’s heart by conversing with them directly. Launch a podcast and/or webinar series, and have your warm cheerful voice carry your message far. Open up to your audience by talking about your products and services. Bring on a co-host or an interviewee, and add flavor to the content. Take questions from your target audience. Let your spoken words do the magic.

4. Tell Heartfelt Stories

A proven way to tap into people’s emotions is by telling stories. Whether you choose to believe it or not, your audience craves meaningful connections. So share passionate stories about yourself, your products and services, business history, employees, and most importantly, your customers. Stories help communicate your values and establish bonds that’ll last.

5. Get a Wingman (or Wingwoman)

Convincing others that you truly care is easier said than done, which is why having an influencer on your side can make a big difference. Endorsement by influencers expands reach, drives sales and increases engagement. The influencers you team up with need not necessarily be celebrities. You’ll just do great with someone who has a decent following in your own industry.Cathy McPhillips, VP of marketing at CMI, understands that “picking among many potential influencers can be a daunting task”and suggeststhat“technology can help.” She wrote a piece exemplifying how her team created a promotional e-book for Content Marketing World by partnering with the right influencers – and none of them were celebrities.

6. Make Sure Your Customers Are Front-and-Center

Show your love for your customers by letting them take center stage. Mention them frequently. Thank them often. Build your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram content around their pictures, videos and stories. Recognize them for being an integral part of the closely-knit community built around your brand. The Home Depot regularly features home décor inspiration created by its customers on a dedicated Pinterest board dubbed the Patio Style Challenge. People who are featured get their share of the spotlight, and naturally, Home Depot keeps getting mentioned.Untitled.png1_

7. Send Heart-Warming Letters

Sending hand-written thank you notes will have your audience head over heels in love with your brand. Dump canned responses for good. And if sending hand-written notes would be too herculean of a task, at least cut through the clutter by sending custom emails to potential prospects and returning customers. Be authentic in what you’re saying, and you’ll be amazed at the results. Markhor successfully garnered love from around the love by sending custom handwritten letters to its customers – a strategy that has clearly worked out well for them.Untitled2

8. Be That Funny Someone Your Audience Needs

Strengthen your connection with your audience by making them laugh and giggle every now and then. Create humorous content that’ll make them smile. DB Export Beer released a hilarious music video that portrays gulping low-carb beer as aromantic act. As expected, the video has already gone viral.

9. Get into the Habit of Giving

A gift is a vivid statement that you truly care,and who doesn’t love receiving one?Include promo codes, discount offers, trial-memberships and other forms of digital presents with the content you serve.Host fun competitions for your audience and reward winners with exclusive merchandise. Stumped for ideas?  Take a cue from The Body Shop and their“Send a Kiss”contest.Untitled4

10. Actively Solicit Feedback:

A relationship cannot thrive without two-way communication. Make sure to have heart-to-heart conversations with your prospects and customer base. Send out feedback forms, conduct social media polls, and follow up on complaints.

11. Serve Up Some Food for Thought

Strike the right chord with your target audience by creating content that matters. Offer details on how your products and services add value. Share insights and ratings.  Social proof matters… a lot!

12. Be There When Your Audience Needs You

Stick together with your audience through thick and thin. Be proactive in responding to their questions and concerns. Don’t simply walk away when they need support. Provide tutorials and how-to guides for frequently encountered roadblocks.

13. Kiss and Make Up

No one is perfect, and mistakes can – and will – happen from time to time.  And when they do, apologize. Tell people that you are sorry for any faulty shipments, service outages, planned maintenance, forced-closures, and/or other hiccups they have experienced. Don’t let cancellations or returns mark the end of your relationship. KFC did a great job of apologizing for an unforeseen chicken shortage at one of its restaurants, and won the lost customers back.Untitled66-300x292

14. Make Love, Not Spam

Give your audience the space they deserve. Overwhelming them with tons of content will cause more harm than good. Choose quality over mediocrity. Identify a frequency that is digestible for your audience and stick with when you share content, as well as what you share.

Comparing audience development to romance offers a fresh take on content marketing. With a heart clung on the target audience and a mindset focused on delivering value, creating persuasive content shouldn’t be a problem at all.

Keep posting… and take their breath away!

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