Pros and Cons of Using an Autoresponder

email-marketing-essential-sending-practices-300x263  So an autoresponder doesn’t require a long explanation; it’s pretty straight to the point.

It’s a software program that small businesses can use when they need to send out emails or responses in a prompt manner. This program can be used to send out mass emails to many people.

You can even add your own flair of personality so the emails almost look like you wrote each and every one of them yourself.

Using an autoresponder can save you much time and effort from having to reply to emails manually. It’s a great way to keep in touch with current clients and potential clients.

Not only can they be used as a prompt reply to clients but they can handle confirming subscriptions and canceling subscriptions without any effort from you. The autoresponder has proven to be a Godsend.

Unfortunately, every good thing has its disadvantages, so be sure to read the pros and cons before deciding if an autoresponder is the best choice for your email marketing tactics.


Some of the pros of using an autoresponder include

  • Many of these programs come with hundreds of premade templates, so if you aren’t very creative or can be poor with words and designs, they have done it for you.
  • If you choose a template that is only half of what you want, the ability to edit and change the premade templates is much easier than creating your own.
  • There are free autoresponder software programs available if your business is on a tight budget.
  • Since you have the ability to edit the templates you’re given, you can make them as personal or general as you want.
  • An autoresponder can provide the client with a fast response, even if it is just to let them know that you will be responding with a more personal email within a reasonable time frame.
  • This can provide you with a method of sending mass promotional emails about new products and services that your business has to offer.


While an autoresponder sounds like a life-saver, there are some disadvantages to using this software program for email marketing.

  • Though you can edit the templates and add a personal touch to the emails, they may not sound as personal as you think.
  • While the autoresponder allows you to send an email saying how long a personal response will be, clients often want a response from you
  • Although an autoresponder can send out a thank you or a personal message to a client, many people know when a sale pitch attempt is coming and can be turned off by email marketing methods.
  • These programs can be difficult to install and the ones worth using are not free.
  • Some email carriers can consider these mass emails spam so they go unseen by your clients.

While an autoresponder may seem like the easiest option when it comes to replying to emails, it’s important to weigh out the pros and cons of why you would be purchasing the software. Send out some test emails or see what kind of templates you can create through the software. Many of these programs offer a free trial which can provide you with the chance to see if it’s something you really need for your business.

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