3 Key Pieces of Advice That Will Make Your Company More Likeable to Your Customers

computer-pc-workplace-home-office-159784-300x200  I think one of the most effective ways to tell your company story is to post a video on your blog, site and social media platforms that gives users a peek behind the scenes. For example, you can post β€œMeet the Team” videos in which your employees talk about their work process, a typical day and why they enjoy doing their job. What many companies forget is that you can have the best product in the world, but if consumers don’t have some kind of connection to your business, they won’t engage. But when they feel as if your company isn’t a faceless monolith, but that it is driven by normal, bright people who want to provide the best product or service they can, it elevates their customer experience in ways that go far beyond what advertising can do.

Another way to make your customers feel good about your company is to offer freebies. Existing customers sometimes feel neglected, because they know that a lot of companies spend more time attracting new customers rather than servicing and maintaining the ones they already have.Β  Avoid falling into that trap by reaching out to your existing clients and offering them discounts, two-for-one packages and even free 30-day trials on new products and services. By constantly engaging your customers, you make them feel wanted and appreciated, and they won’t be tempted to bolt to another company.

A third way to connect with your customer is to humanize your company and make it feel as if it’s part of the customer’s family. Most ecommerce sites have an β€œAbout Us” page that explains company culture and vision, but I think it’s worth the effort to go a step further and create short videos that show how the company works, so that customers feel as if they are part of the business. Peeling back the curtain of what a company does on a daily basis can help create a greater sense of comfort and familiarity that can enhance the customer experience.

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