2 Tips to Earning a Passive Income from Your Blog

Many people use blogging as a way of voicing their own experiences, some use it as a teaching platform and some use it to escape daily life. When you start creating a blog you will have already decided on the niche you want to write about. Who your target audience is and what makes your blog unique. These steps are so important because it will be the difference between someone choosing to read your blog over someone else’s. There are many hints and tips helping you to build your blog views, however, have you ever thought about turning your blog into a money-making opportunity? Turning your blog into an income? Here are some tips that can help you do just that.


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Many blog platforms allow you to advertise on your blog. There are add-ons and plug-ins that you can install that will pay you for your audience’s views and clicks. Some of these add-ons will allow you to choose the adverts that your viewers are seeing. This is to make it relevant to your content. However, others will automatically optimize ads based on where the traffic to your blog is coming from.

Advertisements can come in different formats on blogs, such as; banners,Β  pop-ups and videos. So you must choose the right type to compliment the image you are portraying. There are many companies out there that pay you to put their advertisements on your blogs. These can pay very well in return. One option is to use a mobile video player, a service that allows you to have more autonomy over the ads your site plays. In return, you are typically paid by click or per purchase from your link.


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Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is something that you see everywhere nowadays and there is a real reason for it. It is quick, easy and it makes money. Many bloggers and influencers use affiliate marketing in a multitude of ways. Someone writes sponsored posts specifically talking about individual products they have tested.

Others use affiliate programs for online marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay. They pay differently, a sponsored post will have a payout with a small amount per purchase, whereas product links to marketplaces get paid per click and per purchase.

The amount you get paid per purchase depends on the product and its price. A good way to start experimenting with affiliate marketing is to choose products that you have used in the past. Examples that you may use are:

  • Creating a book list and reviewing books you have read
  • Reviewing cleaning products that you use at home and explaining why others might want to use them too

Once you have your affiliate links, the more traffic you can drive to them the more money you will earn. So, increase your target audience by posting these links on social media. Share them with family members and friends. If they use the same products as you, why not earn from them buying it anyway?

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