“I Have A Guy For That”… Are You Too Busy Working ON Your Business To Make More Money Working IN Your Business?

If you’re the business owner, you have one job – Bringing in the money.

Anyone who’s ran a business knows it can be easy to wear dozens of hats when you’re running a company.

Suddenly, you’re the…

• Secretary.

• Bookkeeper.

• Sales manager.

• Marketing director.

• Cashier…

…Oh yeah, and owner.

Now that’s not ALWAYS the case.

But I’ve seen SO many entrepreneurs get wrapped up in tasks they could be paying someone $10 an hour to handle for them – Yet they don’t think they can afford help, even though that same time could be spent on the business bringing in A LOT more than the $10 an hour it’d take to let someone else handle it.

In less extreme cases I see a lot of entrepreneurs think they HAVE to do everything themselves because no-one else can do the job right.

In any case, it’s really easy to miss out on dollars because you’re focusing on pocket change.

It happens to every business owner I’ve met.

And it’s something to be aware of. Because time and time again, when entrepreneurs decide to let other people handle some of their busy work while they focus on bringing in the REAL money, a funny thing happens…

…You spend a lot less time “working” on mundane tasks and end up making a whole lot more money in the process.

And really, isn’t that why most of us got into business in the first place?

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