7 Tools To Supercharge Your SEO

computer-767776_640-300x199  SEO is an ever-changing part of running a business online. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out, or if you’ve had one or more sites online for years. Search engine optimization is one of those things that you need to keep up with and maintain constantly.

A big part of keeping up with SEO is having the right tools in your arsenal to help you set and meet your goals. Over the years, some of the biggest and best tools have become easier to use and understand, while plenty of new and powerful tools have been introduced.

Below are seven tools that will help you to see things clearer, make better plans, and get your site closer to the top of the results than ever before.

Google PageSpeed Insights

You can’t get more accurate information about how a search engine sees your site than by asking the search engine itself. PageSpeed Insights will scan your site and give you a comprehensive report including any problems it finds as well as suggestions on how to fix them. Results include scores for speed on desktop and mobile devices.


If it’s keywords you’re looking for, Keyword.io will give you 750 suggestions based on any starting keyword you feed it. You can get suggestions based on searches in Google, YouTube, Bing and more. A very useful tool for finding long tail keyword combinations that could benefit your site.

Open Site Explorer

MOZ’s Open Site Explorer will give you an in-depth link analysis for your pages. Learn which pages are getting the most links from outside and see where those links are coming from.

Google Keyword Planner

Just enter your keyword or group of keywords into the Keyword Planner tool and you’ll get back all kinds of valuable search data. You can get numbers on search volume, keyword competition and even suggestions for related terms you may not have considered.

Schema Creator

Schema Creator allows you to generate special custom code for your pages that will give you amazing control over how your results appear in search engines. This goes far beyond traditional meta tags. It can be a great way to make your results stand out on the page, no matter where you show up. There is also a free WordPress plugin to make it simple to implement on a blog.


Browseo allows you to look at your site, or any other site, as a search engine would see it. The tool basically strips out all the style information that manipulates all of your text and images and lets you see the raw data the way it looks to a search spider. It will give you a very clear, and sometimes surprising, view of how things are prioritized on your pages.

SEO Site Checkup

Just enter your URL and within a few moments SEO Site Checkup will give you a comprehensive report that digs deep into the technical aspects of your site’s SEO. You’ll get information on everything from the use of meta tags to keyword densities, java errors and DNS setup. Everything is broken down in an easy to read manner, showing you exactly where problems are, and suggestions to correct errors are also included.

How does your search engine optimization measure up? Are you getting the results you want? Get in touch with me today and let’s discuss how we can get your pages to the top of the results.

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