Why 2015 is the Year to Implement Your Video Marketing

OQT16Q7SG7-300x199  Are you planning to make a purchase online? If so, there’s a good chance you have viewed a video on the product. After all, videos are much more effective when you want to learn the features of a product you are considering buying. Also, it is much less time consuming to watch videos, rather than reading text describing features of a product.

With more and more video streaming sites emerging, as well as continued popularity and effectiveness of videos on sites such as Facebook and Vine, not having product, educational or informative videos can be devastating to your sales and brand image (especially if your competition has already hopped aboard the video marketing trend). Additionally, most mobile devices now support high-definition video content, which means these videos are not just being watched at home – they can actually be accessed and used to encourage a point of purchase sale.

However, videos are not just effective in trying to sell a product. Over 80 percent of senior executives are watching more videos than they did just 12 months ago and three quarters of executives are watching some type of work-related video every single week.

As you can see, the trend and impact of videos is far-reaching. No matter if you are a B2B or B2C company, video is now essential for a successful digital marketing strategy.

Benefits of a Video Marketing Strategy

So you know video marketing is essential for business, but do you know the actual benefits it offers?

Effective video marketing can:

  • Increase your open rates
  • Increase your click-through rates
  • Reduce email marketing unsubscribe clicks

Videos can also impact online engagement, lead generation and brand awareness in a positive manner.

Learning a bit more about the impact of videos can help you see why they are so important for your business image and reputation.

More than Meets the Eye

For a while, online videos had a reputation of only featuring cute babies and weird cats. However, now it is undeniably clear that they offer so much more. Video offers your business an untapped channel of modern content marketing efforts that has been proven to be more effective in reaching clients. Consider these statistics:

  • Videos now account for 50 percent of all mobile traffic.
  • 65 percent of viewers watch ΒΎ or more of their chosen video.
  • 78 percent of people watch online videos each week.
  • 55 percent of people watch online videos every day.

A Growing Trend

While the current numbers of online video watchers are more than impressive, this trend is estimated to continue to grow. In fact, it is estimated that by 2018, 79 percent of consumer internet traffic will be dedicated to online videos.

When it comes to ROI, up to 52 percent of marketers agree that video is the most effective and valuable resource available. As a result, more and more companies and marketers are turning to this to increase brand awareness and lead generation, keeping their viewers interested in what is being posted and coming back for more. With both consumers and executives preferring video over text, 2015 is definitely going to give text content a run for its money; this is definitely the year to make video marketing the star of your entire marketing strategy.

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