Making information public about your business through social media is an exciting way to spread news and spread it quickly.
Utilizing social media not only helps your business but it shows your audience that you are keeping up with the changing times! It is not only effective to market your company through social media, but it’s almost a necessity if you want to get the news about products or changes in your company out quickly.
While it is necessary to share information about your business, social media can be destructive if it is used incorrectly when it comes to marketing. There are five things to avoid if you are using any outlet of social media to speak to your audience.
- Getting too personal
Getting too personal is creepy and weird, to say the least.
You don’t see brands like Nike or Coca-Cola posting directly on someone’s Facebook timeline asking them to ‘drink more soda!’ or ‘buy our new shoes!’
There is almost an ‘unspoken rule’ for posting on individual pages or sending direct messages to possible customers: you don’t do it. It isn’t necessary and it’s a sure way to get your page blocked or ignored by a potential customer.
You’ve been on your own Facebook and saw a new post to your timeline, only to be bombarded by someone who is trying to sell you their body wraps that will help you lose weight. The product may work but that doesn’t make it any less annoying.
You don’t want them to hate you and your company before they’ve had a chance to experience your products, so don’t invade their personal space. Your marketing will speak for itself rather than require you to bother them on their own timelines.
Instead: Capture their attention with a post that leaves an unanswered question or something for each person to inquire more about on their own. Once they have opened the door or sent your business a direct message, then you are allowed to respond to each person individually. There is no reason your business should be sending out firs messages; only responses.
- Sending e-vites
Internet invitations should be used cautiously. Targeting your audience is crucial when it comes to sending invites for an event or gathering that your company is putting together.
Don’t send out mass invitations to your entire audience or following; they are probably from all over the country and you will simply be bothering them if it’s impossible for them to come to your event.
Choose people who are in the area of the event and have expressed interest or had experience with your products. For example, you probably have some followers on your page who know you or are friends of friends and are helping spread the word about your business but have no interest in your products or no need for them. If your business sells baby clothes, don’t send invitations to people who have no interest in babies or baby items.
Instead: Knowing your audience and followers is extremely important. Go through your followers and see who may be interested in the event your company is holding. Be sure to narrow it down by only including people in the area or who are capable of coming and send them one event invitation. If they don’t reply, don’t send them another one.
Avoiding these situations can help your business grow rather than cause any issues between your brand and your audience. The second portion of this article will conclude the list of mistakes many businesses make through social media.