Unforgivably Yours: Five Relentless Twitter Fallacies to Avoid

twitter  Twitter is unequivocally one of the most amazing things that has ever happened to social media. With the uncanny ability of reaching out to millions in a flash, an appropriately tailored Twitter campaign is bound to bring your blog, brand or business more good than what’s possibly imaginable. On the other hand, even the slightest of mistakes at Twitter are known to recoil all the way back and significantly dent your loyal follower-base.

Depending on your conduct at Twitter, your activity can morph either into 140 (or less) characters of glory paving way for brand endorsement, or an utterly pungent string of infamy leading to disaster. So, how do you stop the later from taking place? Well, by avoiding widespread inexcusable twitter mistakes – a whole dozen of which are presented below:

1. Sticking with the default twitter background:

For many, adhering to the default twitter page layout has been found to blow the dream of accelerated twitter network growth to smithereens.A turtle-paced growth rate has a lot to do with your twitter page background. The right approach is replace the defaults with a catchy custom-built background design that stands out from the crowd. The big guns have been backing this strategy since day one, its about time you do the same. You’re not a photoshop ninja is it? A number of paid (and free) design services can be put to the best of use in that case.

2. Using an irrelevant display picture:

Whether yours is a budding startup or an established business venture, its worth the time and effort to make that your display picture has a strong connection with you or your brand. The relevancy has to be strong enough such that the prospective followers are need required to think the relationship out, even if it is for a split second. In fact, the display picture should be should serve as the starting point for the all important viewer-to-follower conversion.

3. Following too many people:

Another unforgivable mistake made by the majority at twitter is following too many people. Let’s get this straight. Your goal is to be famous, check. You’ve got a few hundred followers, check. You, on the other hand, are following like a jaw-dropping five thousand something – ouch. This is where things are destined to go wrong. The equation only makes you appear more like a no-good despo, on a hunt for follow-backs to spam them with pesky content. Its way better to go slow and allow the follower-base to expand naturally.

4. Tweeting a plethora of personal updates:

The last thing you would want to do is flood your loyal follower base with a gush of personal tweets. Sure, updates on that amazing dinner you had this weekend might be of some value to those following you. Sending out tweets while nibbling on a cookie, however, makes little sense. Followers eventually lose interest, and such practices eventually render brand related tweets being ignored – something you would never want for yourself and your venture.

5. Not leveraging the retweet (RT) feature:

The retweet feature constitutes the core philosophy of content endorsement on twitter – an equivalent of ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ combined. Not making use of the RT feature extensively can lead to one or more consequences.

The follower base naturally expects you to keep them updated with the latest from your niche in general. And that includes sharing content generated by established names within your business domain as well. With that not being done, the followers might label you as being outdated, sluggish or overweening. The same also serves as an excuse for followers not retweeting the content you present them with – what goes around comes around, as they put it.

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