It’s been said over and over again – when it comes to email marketing, the subject line is the key to success.
If your subject line does not grab the attention of the reader, they will not open it. It is as simple as that. Even if the body of your email contains a voucher for a free hundred dollars, if the subject line doesn’t give the reader a reason to open it, it will wind up in the trash and possibly marked as spam.
Using these five formulas for your subject line will guarantee the reader will not only open it, but they will feel inclined to open all of the mail coming from your website.
Your relationship
Are you building a relationship with the client?
Building the relationship has absolutely nothing to do with knowing the customer personally. You must make the reader feel as if you are directly speaking with them; as if they know you and are having a conversation with you or catching up on a conversation they may have missed. Speak directly to the audience so that they will feel the message was sent special to them rather than a mass marketed email.
- Are you joining the event today?
- We’re going to win this battle – can we count on you as well?
- Did you hear about the problem we solved?
Customers want to be spoken to directly, not be one among a million.
Sending thanks
Sending a customer a thanks every once in awhile is truly appreciated – even if they haven’t directly made a purchase and have only signed up for the newsletter.
Send special messages and be direct. Customers want to feel unique and that their business is actually noticed. Be sure to include why you’re sending the message or discount rather than just offering them a discount as you would any other person on the mailing list.
- For completing your order, we have a special gift for you!
- You joined the newsletter – here’s a 15% discount as thank you.
- Do you need help completing an order? We’ve included a special offer for you.
Listicles may have earned themselves a strange reputation when it comes to content marketing, but creating lists as articles, posts and emails has proven to be quite useful and effective.
Not only do these titles capture the attention of the audience, but they’re easy to digest. Readers are often on the go when checking their emails, so including quick lists can help give them a reason to open the email. They know it won’t take long and the information will be quick and to the point.
- 10 Ways to Improve Your Content
- 5 Guaranteed Ways to Boost Traffic
- 12 Food That Boost Eye Health
Location, location, location!
Use their location to your advantage! If you’re a big business or small business, be sure to get specific and don’t target people who aren’t in your area.
Many customers receive at least ten emails a day from businesses, but it’s truly disappointing to open a general email raging about an event that they can’t go to because it’s in California and they live in Michigan.
- Today, in Los Angeles…
- Lansing shall not be forgotten!
- We’re saving lives in Atlanta tomorrow…
Solve the problem
If you immediately solve the problem the customer is having in the subject line, you will give them a reason to instantly open the email.
Giving it all away at first isn’t always the best tactic, but when it comes to emails, you need something that convinces the audience that it needs to be read. Once they realize the email includes a solution to a problem they have been encountering, their curiosity will get the best of them.
- 5 Products to Beat the Arizona Sun
- 3 Tools to Sanely Get Through Christmas
- Keep Your Drains Clean With 1 Product
Email marketing is a great marketing tool when it is used correctly. If you have questions about marketing or need exclusive tips and advice, sign up for your free newsletter today. You will receive information and access to articles that you wouldn’t find anywhere else!