I think, on average, pay-per-click (PPC) is overrated when it comes to marketing ROI.
Because I think marketers almost become obsessed with paying for quality leads, so they overspend, and when they step back, they often realize that could have saved a chunk of that money by building organic leads instead.
PPC is a fine art, and one mistake can cripple your campaign and really waste the time, money, and effort you’ve put into it. So I would just caution marketers to focus more on building organic leads.
I personally think we’re discovering that video marketing has been grossly underrated, although that’s starting to correct itself in a big way. We’ve spent so much time beating the drum of content as it applies to blogs, podcasts, and webinars, but video is probably going to eclipse those content types in terms of ROI in the next couple of years.
That’s because you have so many creative options to attract the attention of your audience, from super-short video snippets that solve a problem or answer a viewer’s question, to live, virtual summits through live video streaming where you can interact directly with your audience, take questions, launch products, and interview influencers.