Let’s Get Visual: Using Instagram for Business

insta  It’s time that we accept something. It might be a little weird at first, but it’s a pretty big deal.

Instagram is no longer just for teenage selfies and pictures of gourmet dishes. No, it’s become a legitimate tool that can be really valuable for businesses.

If you’re not already on Instagram, don’t panic.  There’s still plenty of time to jump on the bandwagon. And you don’t have to be ready to start posting pictures all willy-nilly in the next five minutes. It might take some time to get used to it, but there are plenty of advantages to turning your business into an Insta-business.

Let Loose A Little

Instagram is not a place for posed portraits or pictures without a story. Save those for the marketing brochures that go to investors who talk in dollars and not imaginations.

If you want to build a following on Instagram, build it up with some personality. Post eye-catching images with captions that actually mean something. Don’t be scared to use a hashtag or ten. There are sites to use to cultivate your buttoned-up business image. This is not one of them. Keep it PG and don’t do anything you might regret.  Just remember that being fun and lighthearted is what Instagram is for.

Share the Wealth

If you have more than one social media account, get them hooked up to Instagram. If you’re posting it, share it! You can use the same picture on a bunch of different sites and get extra exposure from your newfound and relaxed business creativity.

Make It Live

Instagram now does videos, and they’re awesome for sharing product information and demonstrations. If you have something to show that needs more than a snapshot, hop on Instagram and make it public. Shoot from the app, and your 15 second clip could end up all over the internet.

How Many Filters Are You Using?

When you’re working with snapshots, there are lots of ways to edit them. Sometimes, filters are great, but they aren’t always necessary. The internet has a love/hate relationship with photo editing, so use filters sparingly. For the most part, the real colors of a well-snapped picture will be enough to make your photo POP.

Hone In On a Hashtag

Instagrammers LOVE hashtags. They’re part of the experience. Download an app to stay on top of the trending topics at the moment. Then, when you find a hashtag that fits into your Ista-image, hop on that bandwagon right away. It takes a little bit of leg work to keep up with all of the new details, but you can get some serious exposure by having fun interacting with what’s trending while engaging with potential clients.

Let’s Get Visual

A short trip down just about every social media site will prove that we talk in images. Instagram is the culmination of our visual obsession, and if it’s an appropriate way for your business to connect, then you should give it a shot. If you can manage more exposure and do it in the right way, your sales will react in kind.

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