Essential Steps to Better Email Marketing: Part 1

email  Email marketing is a powerful tool if placed in the right hands. The tool does, however, need toĀ be properly used in order to gain any sort of a result. You wouldn’t wield a nail gun without firstĀ checking that there are nails in it. You wouldn’t operate a table saw without the proper techniques.Ā Understanding how to utilize email marketing is half, if not the entire battle.

Step 1: The Basics

Most business owners have dreams of catchy copy, personalized marketing, and attention grabbingĀ images. What few think of first, however, is the importance of setting up the basics. A simple, easy-to-use sign up form that sends an auto-response should be the first step in creating useful email marketing.

You might be surprised how many email marketing campaigns don’t even have an email marketingĀ provider. Sending out timed auto-responses in order to turn sign-ups into followers, distributingĀ consistent, valuable emails, and managing subscriber lists all require a quality email marketingĀ provider. From Mailchimp to Aweber and more, there are plenty of email marketing tools to chooseĀ from that provide all-encompassing services.

Step 2: Know What You Want To Say Before You Say ItĀ 

This step is more important than almost any other. So you have your email marketing provider allĀ set-up, your visitors can easily sign-up for email correspondence, and contact databases are growing.Ā The only thing left to do is send out emails that represent a business well while also being attentionĀ grabbing. Sounds easy, right?

Yes, content creation for email marketing can be difficult, but a business that knows what it wantsĀ to say before even starting an email marketing campaign is one that crafts engaging email marketingĀ material. Make sure to have four to five emails written, designed, and tested before ever even sendingĀ out or starting a campaign. Having access to a small reservoir of content allows businesses to keep aĀ consistent email marketing campaign going.

Step 3: Test, Test, Test

Subject lines, email templates, even entire messages can be tested for effectiveness. Many successfulĀ email marketing campaigns have extensive research behind them. Once a business has a reservoir ofĀ well crafted emails, testing the effectiveness of such messages is a necessary step.

A/B testing, or switching out one headline or one paragraph for another, is a simple way to go aboutĀ testing an email marketing campaign. Since convincing a reader to actually open the email is usuallyĀ the most difficult part, A/B testing with headlines is a popular option. Don’t be afraid, however, to testĀ out entirely different emails to see which are most powerful.

Step 4: Timing (and frequency)

As with comedy, timing is everything when it comes to email marketing. A message that was sent outĀ at midnight on a Saturday is likely to be lost in the shuffle. A well-crafted marketing campaign that isĀ spread out over months might never be read at all. Testing the timing of an email marketing campaignĀ is vital.

Timing and frequency of email is paramount to the overall success of a campaign. Make sure not toĀ bombard subscribers with too many messages. Yes, email is a cheap medium, but it can be quite costlyĀ if it turns customers away.

Steps 5-9 on how to create a better email marketing campaign will be detailed in part two of this series.

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