Don’t Be A Scrooge: Spread Joy With Holiday Email Marketing

Door-County-Online-Shopping-Email-280x300  The holidays are creeping around the corner – which means Black Friday, Cyber Monday and all of the other big-spending days are coming as well.

While it is important to constantly improve your email marketing tactics, the holidays are a great time to increase sales and conversion rates. The holidays are a time to give! Giving back to your customers and allowing reduced prices, discounts and coupons can help increase traffic and show your consumers that you do care about their business.


Cyber Monday
As the holidays are approaching, many businesses cannot forget about Cyber Monday. Regardless of what kind of business you own, take advantage of this cyber-holiday. Offering site-wide discounts or codes to your customers that are signed up for your mailing list can help provide them with a reason to do their holiday shopping a little early.

Cyber Monday for many customers is a big deal, so be sure to send out an email that will provide them with a one-time offer. Having a similar sale around the holidays will make the Cyber-Monday sale feel less exclusive and urgent.


After The Holidays
Sending out post-holidays emails is the perfect time to remind your customers about the gift or two they really wanted but didn’t receive. Offering discount codes and coupons on services or products right after the holiday season ends can convince your customers to make purchases that they couldn’t make during their previous shopping experience.

Because the holidays are about giving, this is the marketing opportunity you will have the show your customers that your company is also the giving type.


If your business can afford giveaways or contests during the holiday season, this is a great way to spread word of mouth about your company, promote your products and satisfy your customers. Sharing freebies and contests with the customers subscribed to your mailing list can allow them the opportunity to win free stuff and actually read many of the emails you send out during the season. Another great contest to share – enter each customer into a sweepstakes after they have completed a purchase; the more they buy, the more entries they receive.


Extended Holiday Hours
Holiday email marketing is not exclusive to online retailers – it can be for all businesses.

Sending out emails to your subscribed customers sharing some of your holiday specials and extended holiday hours can provide them with the information they need before they head out for a shopping trip.

Many customers are aware that store hours are extended through the holidays, but you can include other valuable information such as new products with the every email you send out.


Use A Little Humor
It is the holiday season – so keep your emails light and easy to digest.

Customers are looking for discounts, coupons and sales when it’s time to get their gift-shopping completed, so offering these in every email you send out is a great marketing tactic. “Be naughty” or “be nice” is a humorous incentive to provide for your customers and still gets the holiday promotion across.

The holidays are a great time to market your business to your customers, so take advantage of some of the exciting marketing tactics available during the season. If you need more marketing advice, be sure to sign up for your free newsletter today!

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