4 Quick Tips for Creating an Uber-Awesome Company Newsletter

apple-1839391_640-300x200  1.  Newsletters should always be a good mix of content, coupled with some sort of call-to-action.  Straight sales pitches are NOT newsletters and you will have people unsubscribing faster than you can say “told you so”  if that’s the method to your madness.

2.  Pay attention to design and layout.  Newsletters that are just haphazardly thrown together are not going to bode well for long term business strategy.  If something is poorly executed, it demonstrates one thing: laziness.  Why would someone want to be your customer if you can’t even take the time to put together something like a well designed newsletter?  You managed to get me to opt-in.  Why aren’t you doing more to make sure that I stay that way?

3.  If you’re on social media, flaunt it.  People who are on your newsletter may not be following you on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.  And even if they are, they most likely aren’t going to remember some of the things that you post.  So do some cross marketing.  Maybe post a poll on Facebook that you discuss in your newsletter.  See how easy it becomes to drive opt-ins to your newsletter from Facebook followers and drive “likes” to your Facebook page from your newsletter?

4.  EXCLUSIVE newsletter promos.  Maybe it’s a discount on a new product or service.  Maybe it’s a case study or white paper.  Treat your subscribers like you want to be treated.  Make them feel like they are in an “elite” group.  I promise, they will thank you for it.

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